Ethical Hermeneutics

Portada y contraportada


Preface...ix [pp.ix-xxiii]


1. Emmanuel Levinas's Phenomenology and the Allegiance to Reason...1 [pp.1-17]

  1. The Critique of Theory: The Horizons of Theory...2
  2. The Phenomenology of the Other and the Struggle to Be Rational....4
  3. Phenomenology and Rationality in Levinas...8

2. Dussel's Philosophy of Liberation: Discovery and Integration of Levinas's Thought...18 [pp.18-49]

  1. Levinas and Dussel's Anthropological Works...19
  2. Levinas and Dussel's Reading of Hegel...26
  3. Levinas and the Ethics of Latin American Liberation...28

3. Overcoming Levinas: Analectical Method and Ethical Hermeneutics...50 [pp.50-81]

  1. Analectical Method Beyond Levinas: Latin American Mediations and the Analogical Word of the Other...50
  2. Analectical Method and the Unmasking of False Universalism...57
  3. Analectical Method, Ethical Hermeneutics, and the Positive Assessment of Reason...67

4. Ethical Hermeneutics: History, Economics, and Theology...82 [pp.82-112]

  1. History...82
  2. Economics (Marx)...90
  3. Religion/Theology...105

5. Rationality in Dussel: The American Critics...113 [pp.113-126]

  1. Cerutti and Schutte on Dussel...113
  2. Assessing the Criticism...116

6. Rationality in Dussel: The Critique of Karl-Otto Apel...127 [pp.127-160]

  1. Karl-Otto Apel's Transcendental Pragmatics...127
  2. Can Transcendental Pragmatics Replace the Philosophy of Liberation?...132
  3. Is Dussel's Reappropriation of Marx Anachronistic?...142
  4. Conclusions...154

Bibliography...161 [pp.161-174]

Index...175 [pp.175-184]

Portada y contraportada [pp.vii-viii] [pp.ix-xxiii] [pp.1-17] [pp.18-49] [pp.50-81] [pp.82-112] [pp.113-126] [pp.127-160] [pp.161-174] [pp.175-184]