The invention of the Americas

Portada y contraportada


Translator's Acknowledgements...7

Preface...9 [pp.9-14]

PART ONE [pp.17-26]
From the European Ego: The Covering Over ?...17

PART TWO [pp.61-72]
Transition: The Copernican Revolution of the Hermeneutic Key...61

PART THREE [pp.93-105]
From the Invasion to the Dis-covery of the Other...93

Epilogue: The Multiple Visages of the One People and the Sixth Sun...119 [pp.119-132]

Notes...145 [pp.145-209]

Chronology...211 [pp.211-213]

Index...214 [pp.214-224]

Portada y contraportada Contents [pp.9-14] [pp.17-26] [pp.27-36] [pp.37-48] [pp.49-57] [pp.61-72] [pp.73-90] [pp.93-105] [pp.106-117] [pp.119-132] [pp.133-140] [pp.141-143] [pp.145-209] [pp.211-213] [pp.214-224]